March 20, 2014

Warning Labels

I'm really okay. The pain is still there, but I used to feel like I could only put a band aid on it, one that kept getting brutally ripped off while I tried not to show that it hurt. And I alternated between ignoring the open wound and nursing it longer than I should have and I never knew what was coming next.

Now, the scar is healing. I understand it a little better. I can't call it a good battle wound yet, but maybe one day I will. All I know it that last year in English the first essay I ever wrote for Mr. Dowdle was on "my best scar" and if I was writing that essay now I might have a different answer.

Long live all the magic we made.


What if we all had to wear warning labels? What would yours say? Mine wouldn't fit on a t shirt tag, I know that.


This one feels very deeply. You don't need to to live in constant fear of hurting her feelings, those are quite resistant, but do take care not to hurt her. She is not always as resilient as her feelings.


backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace

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