November 10, 2013

Musings During The Biggest Adventure

Sometimes I sit in the unspoken decided eating place and watch all of my friends stress out around me. Because they all have tests, and frustrating teachers, and check off lists of pointless things they think they have to do. And I ask if there is anything I can do to help even when I know there isn't, and I see all the pictures they pin about how school is slowly killing them, and I know how they feel, and it hurts to watch. And I say a little prayer of thanks once again that I choose to leave all that, and that I knew I could.

I'm always reading that good things take time, but all I know that one second my hand was alone and the next it was getting to know yours. And summer sure came and went in no time at all.


Its nice being an introvert because my favorite part of vacation is coming home. I get to go home tomorrow. I get sit down and tell Regan all about the biggest adventure of my life so far. I get to show Mo the surprise I got her. I get to say hello to my lovely bedroom that thankfully I cleaned before I left (gold star on my forehead.) I get to go through all of my hundreds of pictures and choose the best to show you, which will be like living the trip all over again. Bliss.

I am being raised in a home, work for a company, and am a member of a church that all teach "you get what you focus on." I live for adventure. I make the tinniest experiences into them, I plan them and invite other people, that very well might be the most frequently used word in my vocabulary. So it only makes sense that adventure has begun to come to me, I don't have to look so hard anymore. And they just keep getting bigger and better. Because I focus on adventure. That is the answer that came when my mind starting repeating the question why did I get lucky enough to come to Italy? 

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