November 29, 2013


Read when you aren't feeling too proud of the person you are.

Before you start hating the person you are, stop.

They tell you every day is a new page, your story is just beginning, try out a new pen and just write something better tomorrow.

I know right now you think they’re wrong. That in order to really push the reset button, you need a whole new town, new humans around you, people who don’t know you and your mistakes.

You don’t have to think like your life is a book. Too many people just write what a lot of people will read. But if you are going to pretend your life is a book, write the story you want to read.

And as far as being a person you actually like goes, just listen to happy music. And try harder to be nice, today. And avoid the time sucker-uppers that you know you should get rid off, today. And don’t you dare think about yesterday. And don’t worry about tomorrow. It’s all about the person you were today.

And don’t ignore this just because you've already pinned it more times than you can count, on Pinterest. There’s a reason these sorts of words go viral.


I was going to take a break from my blog for at least a week. Then I wrote this. Instead of ignoring my blog for a time, I am only going to write the things I learn as I start living my bigger dreams again, and as I slowly but surely get back to the person I like being. I just got kind of off.

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